Our Team
Mark Roberts
Senior Pastor
Associate Pastor – Maturity
Ken Davies
Ken Davies
Associate Pastor – Youth
Kate Cole
Kyra Morris
Children’s Worker
Sam mahdavi
Ministry Apprentice – Mission
Sarah grant
Office & Communications
paul chan
Chinese Pastor
Our Vision & Mission
What we believe
We believe that Jesus is the most important person in history. We believe that the story in the Bible unfolds and reveals Gods plans for the world which culminate in the birth, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.
We believe that trusting Jesus’ death is the only way to be forgiven and to go to heaven and that Jesus will return again one day to right every wrong.
Our Story
Wollongong Baptist Church began in 1932. In 1935 the first pastor Rev. Henry Clark was appointed and land at 69 Smith Street was purchased for 620 pounds and soon the first building was built. Over the next 30 years Wollongong Baptist Church helped plant three other baptist churches at Port Kembla, Corrimal and Dapto. Then during the 1990’s and 2000’s Wollongong Baptist Church started non-English speaking services such as the Spanish, Greek, Vietnamese, Chinese, Burmese and Karenni.
In August 2013 we commenced services at a larger building in 330 Keira Street Wollongong, after we sold our premises at Smith Street.
By God’s grace in August 2024 we saw the launch of Calderwood Valley Baptist Church. Senior Pastor Rod Bayley and around 60 members moved to be part of this church plant to reach the growing region of Calderwood Valley with the gospel.
Our commitment to teaching the bible and supporting mission has remained, but we have become an increasingly multi-cultural church, reflecting the growing diversity of cultures that form Wollongong today.