Mission Partners

Mission Partners

Mission Partners

Wollonong Baptist Church partners with a number of missionaries, both in Australia and overseas, as part of our vision ‘To Know Christ and to Make Him Known.’ We want to see the gospel spread to the ends of the earth and have chosen to support several gospel partners who have devoted their lives to seeing God’s kingdom grow though various ministries. WBC seeks to follow Jesus command in Matthew 28, where he instructs his followers to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”.

Scott & Rachael Adamson
Power to Change, Toowoomba

Scott and Rachael have six children and one grandchild. Rachael is teaching at a Christian distance education college. Scott serves with Power to Change in Toowoomba, Queensland. Scott heads up Power to Change’s digital ministry with the mission of “making disciples through digital strategies.” Millions of people every day face personal crises or asking spiritual questions, go online to search for the answers. Using websites and web based applications, Power to Change aims to find seekers right at the moment they begin searching. They can share the gospel, and link searchers with a personal mentor who will guide and grow them to faith in Christ. You can find out more here.

Andrew & Emma Beddoe
Vocational Bible College, Sydney

Andrew and Emma have four children, and Andrew is the Principal of Vocational Bible College, which is based in Sydney. VBC was established in 2015 and employs four people. They aim to train people that have gone straight into the workforce from school, or those without a formal education. VBC’s aim to is to deliver theological and ministry training in the vocational training sector, in a way that suits the gifts and abilities of practical people. VBC partners with local churches to deliver both accredited and non-accredited training. They currently partner with seven churches across Australia and New Zealand. You can find out more here.

Mel Higgins

MAF, Arnhem Land

Mel is a pilot working for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in remote Arnhem Land, where she has been based since April 2024. She lives in a small community called Yirrkala on the Gove peninsula. Every weekday she flies out from Gove airport. She says each day brings something different. Some days they fly teachers out to Homelands to help the schools. They also fly a lot of students to school. Some fly every week; others fly once a term. Other days they fly healthcare workers out to communities to do mobile clinics. Patients are flown from these clinics to Gove Hospital if they need further care. They also do a lot of last minute flights, sometimes for domestic violence evacuation, other times for urgen medical needs. Every day is different, but every flight brings opportunities to connect with the local Yolngu people and to share God’s love with everyone they fly.

Philip & Kim
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Cambodia

Philip and Kim are members of Wycliffe Bible Translators, Australia. They live and work among an unreached ethnic minority group in SE Asia. Philip splits his time between language research and working through the Bible translation process with local translators. Currently, Philip is analysing the sounds of the language in order to develop an alphabet with the local people. Kim home-schools their two daughters and helps the villagers with health related questions. They have been active in informing other workers about the needs in their area, including two neighbouring unreached people groups. The harvest is indeed plentiful but the workers are few.

Matthew & Evelyn Meek
AFES, University of Wollongong

Matthew serves Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students as the Fellowship of Christian University Students specialist. The mission of FOCUS is to bring international students to faith in Christ, build them up in Christ, and send them home in Christ, to bring others to Christ. Matthew leads the AFES FOCUS national strategy, trains and resources staff, and liaises with international students ministry movements. Locally, he runs bible study groups in Mandarin, Indonesian, and Japanese. He preaches at FOCUS gatherings and other churches, trains students, disciples 1-1, and serves as part of the local AFES team. You can find out more here.

Samar Mikhael
SRE, Smith’s Hill High School

Samar teaches scripture to year 7 and 8 at Smith’s Hill School three days a week, and teaches year 9 – 12 for one period a week. Samar also runs two christian lunchtime groups and trains up young leaders to run the groups. Please pray that many students would get to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour through these ministries, and that many would be connected to youth groups.

Praise God that more students have joined Scripture and lunch time groups this year, please pray for many more to join, be encouraged in their faith, and have the opportunity to hear the gospel.

Jordan & Rachel Milburn
Quiz Worx, Australia

Jordan and Rachel have the privilege of working with the children’s ministry, Quiz Worx. This ministry exists to share Jesus with kids everywhere. They do this primarily by partnering with Special Religious Education (NSW), and Religious Instruction (QLD) in schools to present live performances using puppets, music, art, and other creative mediums to share the good news of Jesus from the bible. They also run training and produce resources. Quix Worx is based in Sydney and the Gold Coast, but as an itinerant ministry, they travel across Australia and have visited New Zealand.

Jordan has been with Quiz Worx since 2008, and works as a performer, visual artist, and communicator. Rachel is currently a full time mum to their two young children, but involves herself in the ministry when she can and has written a book exploring the history of Quiz Worx.

Quiz Worx offers free resources on their website here.

Josh & Ali Reeve
ECM, Albania

Josh and Ali have four children. They live and work in the small town of Erseka, Albania, where they are both on staff at the Torchbearers “Crossroads” Bible School. The Bible School offers a one-year or two-year programme of biblical studies and mission experience for 19-25 year-olds from around the world. About 50% of their students are Albanian. Students have biblical studies classes each morning, and then in the afternoons and on weekends they are involved in various ministry and mission opportunities in partnership with local churches. Josh is a Teacher-in-residence and is working with other staff to develop the school’s new second year programme. They are both involved in discipling students one to one, as well as in group settings – particularly the ‘family group’ that meets in their home every Wednesday. Our four kids (Isla, Sam, Amalia, and Lucy) are home-schooled by Ali and are involved in various kids’ clubs and sports ministries run by our local church.

You can read more about the Reeves here.

James & Shila Roy
House Church, Bangladesh

James is Senior Pastor of the House Church of Bangladesh; a church planting work that started on a foundation of faith in the home of James and his wife Shila in 2007. Shila co-ordinates women’s ministries, trainers of bible storytelling groups, and teaches at girl’s slum schools. HCB seeks to promote communiy development, education, and peace in an environment of persecutn, while committing to staying faithful to the Lord. HCB has 33 churches with 21 Pastors and three evangelists serving in seven districts across the country. There are around 1,000 members, with most of them from Hindu or Muslim backgrounds. Today, HCB has three slum schools in Dhaka city with around 150 students.

Phil & Miriam Snelling
FOCUS, Macquarie University

Phil is leading the FOCUS staff team at Macquarie University in Sydney. Macquarie Uni has one of the highest numbers of international students studying in Australia and many are eager to learn about Christianity and find our more about the bible. Some have never heard the name of Jesus before. FOCUS teach the bible in large and small groups, and with individuals. Students have the opportunity to serve in this ministry, with some returning to be trained as ministry apprentices.

FOCUS aim to encourage, connect, and build up ministry to international students through the local churches. They hope to foster connections and share resources to grow this ministry both on and off campus. You can find out more information here.

Jonno & Kerry Turk

WEC, Thailand

Jonno & Kerry, along with their daughter Elyse, are serving as Dorm Parents at the Lighthouse Dorm in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The dorm is run by WEC and provides for up to 10 students who attend Grace International School. All of the students’ parents are working as missionaries in south-east Asia. Jonno & Kerry have responsibility for all the daily activities at the dorm and seek to create a Christ-centred environment for their students.

Jit & Jan Yawan
BMA, Thailand

Jit & Jan have been working in Thailand as missionaries with Baptist Mission Australia. They are based in Sangkhlaburi, where they have continued involvement in medical ministries, church life and outreach, men’s friendship outreach, and work with people with disabilities in the community through an organisation called Lanternlight Ministries. Through all of these avenues they seek to share the good news of Jesus through word and deed, that Jesus is the way who brings light and hope. You can find out more information here.

Project Video, Thailand

Project Video aims to get the gospel to people in a language that they can understand. They have media producers and ethnic evangelists in 14 teams over seven countries in Asia, all creating christian media in their own languages. Project Video is based in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and Jasmine leads the global team which helps support and train these ethnic producers around Asia. Project Video originated from Wycliffe but has now evolved to include staff and partnerships from many different organisations. Jasmine is also serving with YWAM, Chiangmai. You can find out more about Project Video here.