‘To know Christ and to make Him known’. These eight words capture our heart as a church. These words are our compass which point us in the direction of life’s true purpose. We desire that all people would find the life, freedom, and hope that is found in Jesus, and we want to play our part in announcing to the world that Jesus is Lord and Saviour.
Our Vision is to be a Bible based, mission oriented, multi-cultural community of Christ’s disciples who make disciples.
Bible Teaching
Our vision is to always be a bible teaching church. We are determined to teach God’s word systematically, and respond to it wholeheartedly. Our prayer is that the Bible will be central in all that we do because we believe that the church is created and sustained by God’s word.
Our vision is to always be a multi-cultural church, that draws a diversity of people together. Currently, our church has people from 40 different countries. We are a multi-congregational church that wants people to be able to worship God in their heart-language. We have services in English, Cantonese/Mandarin (bilingual), Burmese, and Karenni. In addition, the Vietnamese Evangelical Church meets in our building.
Mission Oriented
Our vision is to always be a mission-oriented church. As a church we want Wollongong and the world to come to know Jesus, and so we seek to raise up disciples who will make disciples. Our hope is that we will always continue to partner with missionaries in both Australia and overseas.