Discover Jesus
The 3-2-1 course invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Over the course of 4 sessions, we explore Jesus’ vision for life through interactive videos that help us better understand God, the world and ourselves.
Engage in thoughtful conversations as part of a small group hosted in a friendly environment. Interact with the videos then share your thoughts and experiences with others.
The Onboard course is designed to help newcomers get oriented to WBC in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Across the 3 sessions you’ll learn more about what we believe at WBC, get to know other members, and discover what belonging at WBC will look like. Onboard is the place for new people to get started at WBC before joining a Home Group or serving in a ministry team.
Home Groups
Our Home groups meet weekly all over the Wollongong region to study the Bible and encourage one another in our faith. A typical gathering goes for around two hours, but groups aren’t so much an event you go to as a community you belong to.
All of our ministry teams help us fulfil our mission of knowing Christ and making Him known – from teaching kids about their mighty saviour, to helping create a welcoming and hospitable gathering for newcomers, to running the AV systems that help the church to hear and respond to God’s Word. Whatever your gifts, there are lots of opportunities to use them to help grow disciples.
Ministry Training Strategy (MTS)
At Wollongong Baptist Church, we are committed to training up and sending out gospel workers to the world. That’s why we invite people into a 2-year, full-time apprenticeship called the Ministry Training Strategy to get hands on ministry experience under the training and guidance of our staff team.